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  1. M

    Spammer Caught!!

    I'd prefer that each individual user could sue a spammer for every piece of spam that was delivered to their mailbox. Not only get back all the money he's made on the scams, but also sue for every piece of spam that was sent out on his behalf. Then use that money to help reimburse anyone who...
  2. M

    Spammer Caught!!

    Well if it weren't for Silicon Valley, we wouldn't be getting spam email in the first place :) sil·i·con (sĭl'ĭ-kən, -kŏn') n. Symbol Si A nonmetallic element occurring extensively in the earth's crust in silica and silicates, having both an amorphous and a crystalline allotrope, and...
  3. M

    Spammer Caught!!

    Speaking of junk mail, this thread has a lot of spam posts in it. :)
  4. M

    Spammer Caught!!

    Why are we serving spam in the bathroom?
  5. M

    Spammer Caught!!

    What the hell are you guys talking about? The man is SO guilty! Due Process? I am not a lawyer and have the right to my own opinions. IMO, he is guilty and should be stoned to death. And even if he isn't guilty. I hate everyone so he probably has done something that I am not happy with...
  6. M

    Spammer Caught!!

    Man described as a top spammer arrested Oh man, why couldn't the title have been: Man described as a top spammer, sued by millions of people affected, tortured, then stoned to death!