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  1. Mark Zimmer

    *** Official 2002 Major League Baseball Season Thread

    My thought that has been developing through the labor strife is that for some reason baseball has successfully convinced the public, and some of the owners, apparently, that owning a baseball team is a business. It's not. It's primarily an ego trip for billionaires. It's an elite little club...
  2. Mark Zimmer

    *** Official 2002 Major League Baseball Season Thread

    My one experience in the bleachers at Wrigley included one guy who was being drunk and kind of obnoxious. The bouncers came out of nowhere, grabbed him and pounded him unconscious, then literally dragged his limp carcass off into the bowels of the stadium for who knows what. Makes you want...
  3. Mark Zimmer

    *** Official 2002 Major League Baseball Season Thread

    Don't know if anyone caught this, but when the Brewers-Pirates game last night (the first one after the All-Star Game) was tied 2-2 at the end of the 9th inning, the Milwaukee crowd started chanting "let them play!" :laugh: They did play, thankfully, with the Brewers blowing it in the 10th...
  4. Mark Zimmer

    *** Official 2002 Major League Baseball Season Thread

    If Selig had a single testicle, he would first have told the managers that they had both fucked up royally, and then said to them, "Either you two agree that starting with the top of the 12th inning you can bring back into the lineup pitchers that you've already used, or else you just go with...