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  1. Malcolm R

    Dumb Movie Cliches

    Just watched "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2004)" and there it was, similar to those noted previously here. At one point Leatherface drops the chainsaw and, the girl, instead of picking up the easily-within-reach chainsaw and tearing into Leatherface, proceeds to ineffectively bang on him...
  2. Malcolm R

    Dumb Movie Cliches

    Just watched "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2004)" and there it was, similar to those noted previously here. At one point Leatherface drops the chainsaw and, the girl, instead of picking up the easily-within-reach chainsaw and tearing into Leatherface, proceeds to ineffectively bang on him...
  3. Malcolm R

    Dumb Movie Cliches

    ...The Bad Seed ...Carrie ...Firestarter ...The Amityville Horror ...The Exorcist ...The Others ...May The girls have been at it for years. The boys are just catching up. :D
  4. Malcolm R

    Dumb Movie Cliches

    How the protagonist being chased by a killer/monster finally shoots/hits the killer/monster, knocking them down (usually with a single shot), then either: 1. Every so slowly creeps up to the still form of the person/thing to see if it's really dead (which it never is, it just waits until...