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  1. K

    David Beckham: I don't get it

    Interesting about the non soccer stadiums. I'd think that it would be to a football stadium's benefit to let a soccer team in at a relatively minimal cost. I drive by a football stadium every day that sits empty for all but about 10 days per year. You would assume that anything that had any kind...
  2. K

    David Beckham: I don't get it

    It would be interesting to see the P&L of some of the teams. If they're above break even, or perhaps even marginally below it, I don't see a real problem. Although $30MM for a team seems like a lot of money for most people, there are a lot of people who can look at that kind of thing as hobby...
  3. K

    David Beckham: I don't get it

    My experience was the same in the 70's. We probably played soccer once or twice a year in gym class, but that was the limit of our exposure to it. One of my friends who transferred in had actually played in an organized league elsewhere, but nothing was available where we were.