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  1. Kain_C


    Finally got to see this. Excellent film! I posted a review on my blog. I noticed some shots from the trailer that were not in the movie! When Foxx's character shoots the enlistee in the face with the paintball gun, the rangemaster says, "not in the face, Staff Sargeant", or something along...
  2. Kain_C


    It must be very subjective, because the the shots, the characters, the little bit of acting, and the locations all look spectacular to me. I don't really need alot of information to sell me on a film when it's subject matter already appeals to me especially, as I've mentioned before, when what...
  3. Kain_C


    I really don't see how you can't get the 'gist' of the movie from the trailer. It's about a guy who maybe doesn't fit in or is a bit of a rebel during the Gulf War. More importantly, it's about the Gulf War. It's refreshing that there are trailers out there that don't give away the entire plot...
  4. Kain_C


    Sorry for double post, but there is a new trailer for Jarhead. I think this is my most anticipated film for the end of this year. It's looking better and better!
  5. Kain_C


    Uh, for the trailer? What's so hard to understand about it?
  6. Kain_C


    It's Kanye West. I despise rap myself for many reasons, but I thought the music was fitting and appropriate.
  7. Kain_C


    Er, having words with usually negative connotations in the tagline may not be such a good idea. It plays right into the hands of critics who don't favor the film. For example, Twister's original tagline was, "it sucks"! Not that I think Jarhead will be bad. Mendes is a critic's baby anyway.
  8. Kain_C


    Looks good to me as well. As mentioned, I see some FMJ as well as Three Kings and maybe a dose of Apocalypse Now thrown in for good measure. Cast looks sound, especially Gyllenhal and Cooper (reunited with Mendes).