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  1. Josh Steinberg

    Article: 4K Blu-ray Discs Arriving in 2015

    Absolutely true. And 2D movies that were shot on film (which is believed to have at least 4K worth of information on the negative) are also being scanned at 2K and finished that way too. For instance, all of the Marvel Studios superhero movies are in 2K, and many of those were shot...
  2. Josh Steinberg

    Article: 4K Blu-ray Discs Arriving in 2015

    That's correct, all 3D currently shown digitally in theaters is done at 2K. So I can't fault UHD for not having a 4K 3D specification when no one is making or displaying films in that format theatrically anyway.
  3. Josh Steinberg

    Article: 4K Blu-ray Discs Arriving in 2015

    I think I'll be in the same boat as you. If I do upgrade, I think my path will be similar to the way I upgraded from SD and DVD to HD and Blu-ray. I ended up getting a simple Blu-ray player a couple years before I had an HDTV, and started buying my new movies on Blu then - the thing that made...
  4. Josh Steinberg

    Article: 4K Blu-ray Discs Arriving in 2015

    Bruce, I just re-read the article and owe you an apology - you are absolutely correct. The film was finished with a 4K DI. As you suggested, all of the effects work was in 2K which was then uprezzed to 4K to match - so anytime you're watching live action it's 4K, and anytime it's CGI, it's 2K...
  5. Josh Steinberg

    Article: 4K Blu-ray Discs Arriving in 2015

    That's interesting. I don't mean to cast doubt on what you say - the AC issue which has interviews with DP Dan Mindel and the crew says it was done as a 2K DI.But if it truly is 4K, then I apologize for spreading incorrect information. Usually AC is pretty accurate with this stuff but I'm sure...
  6. Josh Steinberg

    Article: 4K Blu-ray Discs Arriving in 2015

    They're already doing that now, unfortunately. One of the newest examples of this that I know of is Sony's "Amazing Spider-Man 2" Blu-ray, which came out in August. Now, don't get me wrong, it's a very nice looking disc. I have no complaints with the image quality on my (non-4K) display. But the...