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  1. Josh Steinberg

    MPAA - Time to Retire the G Rating

    I've heard about that place, would love to check it out. There had been rumors for a while that the company that owns Alamo Drafthouse was going to expand to NYC, but it seems that's been dropped. There's an independent theater in Brooklyn that seems like it would be good for not having all of...
  2. Josh Steinberg

    MPAA - Time to Retire the G Rating

    Can't it be a little bit of both? Full disclosure: I'm a frustrated moviegoer who's had mattCR's experience of going to an R-rated movie with a parent dragging in little kids more times than I can count (as I'm sure many others here have to). Yes, part of it is terrible parenting - I think...
  3. Josh Steinberg

    MPAA - Time to Retire the G Rating

    I've been trying to think of some, and I can't either - I keep coming up with things like "Fast Times at Ridgmont High" which was R. It's almost like PG-13 means, especially these days, "R-rated violence, PG rated sex/nudity/language"
  4. Josh Steinberg

    MPAA - Time to Retire the G Rating

    The ratings system also is locked into this habit of allowing certain kinds of content while stigmatizing others. I feel that it may be totally in line with some people's value system, but by no means everyones, and the end result is it just makes the system sucky for everyone. It's been said...