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  1. J

    So, the cell phone rang during a funeral...

    Modern humans. Various members of the genus homo go back way further than that. I'm perfectly willing to dragoon our hominid forbearers to make a point. :) Regards, Joe
  2. J

    So, the cell phone rang during a funeral...

    The problem with "vibrate" is that even that setting makes some noise - moreso when the phone in question is clipped to a belt and adjacent to a belt-buckle or in a handbag with the loose change, or on a desktop where it wanders around like one of those little plastic lineman in the tabletop...
  3. J

    So, the cell phone rang during a funeral...

    Want something worse (or at least dumber) than answering a cell phone at a funeral? How about refusing to get off a cell phone call even in the middle of a bank robbery? When you're the bank robber? (With security cam video goodness!) :D Joe
  4. J

    So, the cell phone rang during a funeral...

    I'd be worried about getting a call. ;) Although I'm sure you're right. People get buried with all sorts of sentimental or symbolic items, and I'm sure cell phones have made the list. (My dad was buried with a picture of his great-grandchildren, a pack of playing cards and a cigar. :))...
  5. J

    So, the cell phone rang during a funeral...

    Well, if he answers, I guess that's OK. :) Joe
  6. J

    So, the cell phone rang during a funeral...

    Yeah - had a guy do the same thing in church this past Sunday. Rings the first time, takes him forever to fumble it out of a pocket and pick up and hang up on the call, but he didn't turn it off - because it rang again about five minutes later and this time, sure enough, he took the call. I'm...