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  1. Jonathan Perregaux

    ST:TNG packaging

    (duplicate post)
  2. Jonathan Perregaux

    ST:TNG packaging

    I agree with Kwang Suh. The Final Frontier was the most embarrassingly awful piece of film-making ever to be inflicted upon the Star Trek series. I once held The Motion Picture to be the worst until V came out and nearly lost me as a fan. Tag-line from 1989: Why Are They Putting Seatbelts In...
  3. Jonathan Perregaux

    ST:TNG packaging

    Quote: Still, it ["All Good Things..."] was a lot better than the even worse Generations (new can of worms opened!)... Hmmm... may I rattle the can of worms around for a bit? Mention of the film Star Trek: Generations reminded me of my revised motion picture ratings order...
  4. Jonathan Perregaux

    ST:TNG packaging

    Obviously, any episode that contributes to Wesley's "saving the ship" quotient must be excluded from any "Best of" list.
  5. Jonathan Perregaux

    ST:TNG packaging

    I actually like the purple. It's festive and different. Now if only this weren't season one, it would be a perfect set.
  6. Jonathan Perregaux

    ST:TNG packaging

    At least this box solves the Starfleet insignia complaint we had when the first pictures of this set showed the more angular Star Trek: Generations version instead of the encircled one shown here. As for the badge reversal, let's hope it's just a prototype packaging SNAFU that will be remedied...