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  1. Johnny Angell

    Shadow in the Cloud (2020)

    Here’s my perception. I’m in a movie thread and poster1 likes it, poster 2 likes it, Colin dislikes it, poster 3 likes, etc. This is a common occurrence. Colin has a right to like and dislike whatever he wants. I think SITC is a prime example. Not a great movie, but an entertaining movie...
  2. Johnny Angell

    Shadow in the Cloud (2020)

    No, you dislike the movie because you dislike more movies than anyone else on this forum. That’s my observation over the years.
  3. Johnny Angell

    Shadow in the Cloud (2020)

    Do you think the portrayal of the crew was true to life? I know many man are still misogynist assholes today, but I still had to lift my chin off the floor listening to that dialogue.
  4. Johnny Angell

    Shadow in the Cloud (2020)

    I think this is a good evaluation of the pic. Just watched it a couple days ago on...Hulu? I didn’t even think about it’s budget until the movie was over. Then I realized it had limited sets and cast. Whatever they spent they got it all up on the screen. Good advice, “go with the premise”...