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  1. JohnS

    Celebrity Apprentice season 2

    Well, I'm done with this show. I was bored by this episode. The guys are just a bore to watch. My two favorites are now gone. which was reason I wanted to check this season out. Dennis Rodman should have left and not Tom Green. I need to stick to my one reality show(Hell's Kitchen)...
  2. JohnS

    Celebrity Apprentice season 2

    Scott was a little weasel. And his EEE idea was horrible. Tom did everything he could to throw ideas and names out there. Clint Black is also on my hate list. Except for the stupid EEE name, I actually liked the guy's presentation and I thought the woman gave a very week presentation. I...
  3. JohnS

    Celebrity Apprentice season 2

    This is my first Apprentice season. The reason I wanted to watch it was because of Tom Green, Dennis Rodman and Dice Clay. I just new there would be interesting conflict and zaniness with those guys on. I was sad to see Clay go, because there goes most of the interesting conflicts(on the...