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  1. Jeff_HR

    2006 MLB Season Discussion

    Well it is home for the Winter for the Tigers now. :frowning: Too bad they could not play in the WS the way they played in the American League Playoffs, they might have provided the Cardinals with more competition. It sure would have been nice to have had a Mickey Lolich to start in Game...
  2. Jeff_HR

    2006 MLB Season Discussion

    If the Tigers don't start playing a lot better right now, it is home for the winter! Concerning complaints abouit the weather & The WS, since the owners don't want to shorten the regular season then I propose starting it a week early. You can schedule as many games as possible in warm weather...
  3. Jeff_HR

    2006 MLB Season Discussion

    To all you who are on your high horse accusing Rogers of being a cheater, have you been a 110% Saint your entire life, NEVER straying into any kind of wrong doing? If so, then accuse with impunity! If not, remember the old saying, perhaps paraphrased here, "Let he who is without sin cast the...
  4. Jeff_HR

    2006 MLB Season Discussion

    "A Love Affair Rekindled" In 1958, when I was 4 yrs old, my father introduced me to Baseball & rooting for the Detroit Tigers. From that point on I was a DIE HARD Baseball & Tiger fan. Then came the 1994 Season when The World Series was cancelled & the Tigers were IMHO being horribly...