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  1. Jay E

    The Unreleased on DVD list - The 1970's (suggestions welcome)

    Dick - 2 great films but this list is only for films released in the 1970's.
  2. Jay E

    The Unreleased on DVD list - The 1970's (suggestions welcome)

    I've updated the list adding the following upcoming DVD releases: Coming Home Cuba Heartbreak Kid, The - WIDESCREEN Joe Lenny Light at the Edge of the World, The Sleuth - WIDESCREEN
  3. Jay E

    The Unreleased on DVD list - The 1970's (suggestions welcome)

    I've updated the list including the release date for Watership Down.
  4. Jay E

    The Unreleased on DVD list - The 1970's (suggestions welcome)

    I've updated the list again. I've also added a few more films, (ie:Hickey & Boggs, Rio Lobo, The Visitors...), that have popped into my head over the past few days.
  5. Jay E

    The Unreleased on DVD list - The 1970's (suggestions welcome)

    I've updated the list. everyone - I just wanted to say that if you can check the list before you suggest films, I would really appreciate it as some of the movies mentioned were already listed. Thanks. Peter- I've added Spectre since it was released theatricaly in Europe. Thanks & I bow my...
  6. Jay E

    The Unreleased on DVD list - The 1970's (suggestions welcome)

    Greg - It's Race With the Devil. It's on my list already. My parents took me to see that in the theater as a double bill with The Omen. Both films scared the crap out of me.
  7. Jay E

    The Unreleased on DVD list - The 1970's (suggestions welcome)

    I have updated the list again with everyone's suggestions. The following films were not added due to: TV Don't Be Afraid of the Dark ("Sally...Sally...") Spectre UFO Incident Year of Release Day Time Ended Illustrated Man, The Foreign All Godzilla Films Hard Times is already out on...
  8. Jay E

    The Unreleased on DVD list - The 1970's (suggestions welcome)

    I updated the list with all your suggestions except those such as "Luna", 1900, Four Flies on Grey Velvet, etc. whose original language is not English (although some of these are borderline). I'm still not sure if I will be adding Foreign Films to the list but if I do I will add all the Foreign...
  9. Jay E

    The Unreleased on DVD list - The 1970's (suggestions welcome)

    Sorry, I should have made this clear.The list is 1970 to 1979. Tess was listed as 1979 at IMDB which is why it is in the list. If this is wrong, and it came out in 1980 then I will delete it. Does anyone know for sure? The list is only for theatrical films (sorry again for not mentioning...
  10. Jay E

    The Unreleased on DVD list - The 1970's (suggestions welcome)

    How could I have forgotten McCabe & Mrs Miller! Even worse, how could I have fogotten Roller Boogie!!!!! I have updated the list. Thanks for the positive feedback.
  11. Jay E

    The Unreleased on DVD list - The 1970's (suggestions welcome)

    I had a little time on my hands, so I decided to make a list of films from the 1970's that have yet to be released on DVD in REGION 1. I decided to pick only one decade for easier manageability. I picked the 1970's because I feel it is the last great decade for American film and that there are...