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  1. Jay E

    The Classic Sci-FI Ultimate Collection

    Michael, that is exactly how I would rank them too. The Mole People has been the most maligned film of the 5, but I have a soft heart for it. I just love the make-up for Mole People and I always end up feeling really sorry for them when I watch the film. I have the action figure of one of...
  2. Jay E

    The Classic Sci-FI Ultimate Collection

    Wow, is that a bad cover! It looks so much like a cheap public domain multi-film pack...if I saw this in a store I would have just passed it by. Judging by the presentation and their marketing strategy, I guess Universal really doesn't give a crap about these films. For some reason I feel...
  3. Jay E

    The Classic Sci-FI Ultimate Collection

    Wow, it's about time! I'm so happy that Universal is starting to get its act together with their film Library. I just wish their was a volume 1 listed next to the collection.