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  1. Jason_V

    Marvel’s Agent Carter (ABC)

    There's a story on the interwebs about an inside source saying the show is coming back for S3. There's no attribution or anything else; I'm not linking to it since it can't be corroborated. So take that with a huge grain of salt.
  2. Jason_V

    Marvel’s Agent Carter (ABC)

    I honestly don't see they had much of a choice. Assuming Agent Carter doesn't come back, do you let the new spinoff fly all by itself without any kind of Marvel universe with it? Probably not, since that would be the quickest way to kill the show.
  3. Jason_V

    Marvel’s Agent Carter (ABC)

    I was thinking a Marvel One Shot on an upcoming BD, but worked for me. If the show comes back, they don't need to have Chad Michael Murray back (explain he died in exposition) or have him come back and start a story around that.
  4. Jason_V

    Marvel’s Agent Carter (ABC)

    I caught up with the show this weekend...and yeah, there's been a lot of side stories and tangents which take far too long to resolve for my taste. Jack Thompson continually showing up is grating on my nerves. The injury Peggy sustained is unbelievable. Vernon Masters has to At least...
  5. Jason_V

    Marvel’s Agent Carter (ABC)

    It's not that Agent Carter doesn't look good and have appealing actors for just doesn't excite me. I get more enjoyment from Arrow or Superstore than AC. The same holds true for Agent of SHIELD. I've started the first season of Daredevil and that's a fine show. I'll watch all of it...
  6. Jason_V

    Marvel’s Agent Carter (ABC)

    Oh, I'm sure I am and I totally own that. :D
  7. Jason_V

    Marvel’s Agent Carter (ABC)

    The problem in Agent Carter, for me, was caring about any of the characters. Simply...I didn't. The relationship between Peggy and Jarvis early in the run became muted as time went on, for example. I also really wanted to like Sousa, but it felt like he didn't evolve enough over the course of...
  8. Jason_V

    Marvel’s Agent Carter (ABC)

    Best moment of the season so far for me. It gave Chad Michael Murray something meaningful to do for once. This is a whole new ballgame now. Thompson has the clout in the office to make everyone else fall in line with Peggy being extremely capable. He started that at the end of the episode by...
  9. Jason_V

    Marvel’s Agent Carter (ABC)

    ^ Wasn't that the knock against SHIELD, too, a least int he first half of S1 before The Winter Soldier debuted? That it was slow, disconnected and had a hard time tying into the larger universe? It is a shame more people aren't watching, but I have a feeling Agent Carter is going to fare...
  10. Jason_V

    Marvel’s Agent Carter (ABC)

    And I read that whole interaction differently. I thought SSR had the police report and were lying saying it couldn't be found in order to pressure Jarvis. Peggy figured it out, brought the big stack of folders in, grabbed the report on the bottom and then used it to free Jarvis. Maybe I need...
  11. Jason_V

    Marvel’s Agent Carter (ABC)

    The relationship I'm digging the most in the show is Peggy/Jarvis. They have an easy interplay between them, trading barbs and wit that is starting to remind me of The West Wing. There's isn't a scene with the two I have not liked thus far. I'm also getting a romantic vibe I get from them. With...