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  1. Jason_V

    The Flash - season 1

    Considering the TV budget, I was impressed with Grodd. I figured we'd get him in shadows or in very long shots, but we were treated to a good deal of up close and personal views. And now...Iris. I know a lot of people have a problem with her, but this was the first episode I rolled my eyes...
  2. Jason_V

    The Flash - season 1

    And this makes absolutely zero sense in terms of Arrow right now. Lance is 100% focused on nabbing Oliver in Starling City for being the Arrow to the exclusion of everything else (even halfway decent police work) but he doesn't care about this crime scene. The more of Lance we see, the more I...
  3. Jason_V

    The Flash - season 1

    That scene gave me more faith they can pull off Grodd than the tag with the two unknowns in the tunnel a few weeks ago. That one seemed to be nothing more than a tease, keeping Grodd in shadow. I assumed, at the time, the show wouldn't have the budget to pull him off and covered him in darkness...
  4. Jason_V

    The Flash - season 1

    Yeah, I really enjoyed that, too. Typically, TV is going to play the "kid" being in awe of the adult, but here, it's Joe who is still in awe of what Barry can do. They played it beautifully after Iris moved out with Eddie. Joe had an empty house for about three minutes before Barry moved back in.
  5. Jason_V

    The Flash - season 1

    Sam, it's in my Hulu queue this morning.
  6. Jason_V

    The Flash - season 1

    That's exactly how I took it. Barry is still young and doesn't have the whole superhero thing down. He felt the immature need to gloat to someone who made his life hell growing up. That would be really interesting is if the writers took that story and ran with it...endangering everyone in...
  7. Jason_V

    The Flash - season 1

    I think Grodd has been in most cartoon incarnations of the Justice League since Challenge of the Superfriends...1983 or so, IIRC. He was part of the Legion of Doom and also made at least one appearance in Justice League/Unlimited. I don't think we'll be getting a full on "Grodd." More that...
  8. Jason_V

    The Flash - season 1

    I disagree 100%. It took years for Smallville to show any legit powers from Clark or for him to trust anyone with his secret. We were sitting through a lot of Clark vs. Whitney for Lana at this point in Smallville. We've seen more of Barry and his powers four episodes into The Flash than we did...
  9. Jason_V

    The Flash - season 1

    I can't answer all of those. However...the particle accelerator is as good a place any any. Where are the metahumans gonna go...? To regular jail? The Mist is out in a heartbeat and anyone else can overpower the guards/jail security within seconds. At least everyone at the PA knows what's going...
  10. Jason_V

    The Flash - season 1

    My guess is this is setting up longer range plot lines.
  11. Jason_V

    The Flash - season 1

    To be fair, early Arrow episodes were all about the "freak of the week" until they really got into the mythology. Same thing with SHIELD. Again, episode 2...let's not write the show off yet.
  12. Jason_V

    The Flash - season 1

    I didn't have the problems a lot of you guys did with the first episode. The effects were fine--I wasn't expecting movie calibre effects on a CW budget--and they were several orders of magnitude better than anything Smallville ever did. (I'm not comparing Flash to Arrow since Arrow doesn't have...