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  1. Jason Walstrom

    Star Wars Galaxies, Worth it?

    I agree it's pretty lame.
  2. Jason Walstrom

    Star Wars Galaxies, Worth it?

    when you use a jedi holocron the holocron will give you a hint at one of the steps it takes to become force sensitive, such as "you must master Droid Engineer" I believe a zabrak can wear tusken clothing. But i dont think it's a requirement of opening the force slot. hehe
  3. Jason Walstrom

    Star Wars Galaxies, Worth it?

    Holocron mania has arrived. And I am not partaking in this insanity.
  4. Jason Walstrom

    Star Wars Galaxies, Worth it?

    I enjoy this game immensely, It has problems yes, but it also has alot of fun going for it. I am a Master Ranger/Pistoleer and I belong to a Ranger guild. Grouping in hunts is alot of fun. I have a non-ch pet, a slicehound named Crocket to hunt with me when soloing, there is fun in this game but...