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  1. James Miller

    TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE Re-release specs!!!

    well, Synapse, just say the word and I'll send you my $30 up front and you can send me your DVD of the newly "restored" version in 6 months...
  2. James Miller

    TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE Re-release specs!!!

    Well, I'd settle for the "new" transfer from eight years ago that never made it onto DVD although this article seems to suggest that Mr. May is under the impression that it did... IE: he chastises Pioneer for referring to the "re-package" as a brand new transfer when it is not, but does not...
  3. James Miller

    TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE Re-release specs!!!

    Actually, Pioneer will look at it this way: "What better excuse to roll out the same old non-spiffy non-16:9 transfer of the original TCM to coincide with the remake debuting on DVD?"
  4. James Miller

    TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE Re-release specs!!!

    Having made no mention of the history of "corrected" v. "uncorrected" prints and having stated that this and the prior DVD were simply ported from the LD, I suspect that the opinions of the video quality expressed in this review may not be based on an actual A-B comparison of the LD v. DVD...
  5. James Miller

    TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE Re-release specs!!!

    no one is forgetting the extent and nature of the corrections that were not used, limited as they may be, rather what we are NOT forgetting is the fact that a corrected print does exist... clearly however the corporate powers that be either DID forget that or simply didn't care... my bet is the...
  6. James Miller

    TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE Re-release specs!!!

    seems to me that no one is comparing TCM with any other 16mm low budget amateur genre film, rather they are comparing various home video versions of the same film... i have the original DVD version, and no other, so I can't speak as to the quality of that release relative to any other...
  7. James Miller

    TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE Re-release specs!!!

    The consensus seems to be that this release sports the same transfer as the earlier one, but I don't think any posts have said this based on any definitive knowledge. (ie: feedback from the publisher, A-B comparison, etc;) If anyone picks this one up and is able to do an A-B comparison it...