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  1. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    They might as well hold off for HD-DVD/Blu-Ray. There won't be much of a market for the films on DVD. Outside of a vocal minority on the internet, there isn't a lot of concern about the special editions. And, Lucasfilm wouldn't come out and say, "We fixed the saber colors and the surrounds for...
  2. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Again, I didn't have any doubts of this when I was a kid. I didn't know all of the behind-the-scenes stuff where Ford wanted to be killed off, so his not being rescued would have been the only surprise.
  3. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Heh. I don't even care about them any more. I almost forgot they existed.
  4. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I saw the ad, and it said "Cinemax OnDemand." Does that mean it'll be a charge for each movie? My understanding is that OnDemand programs can't be saved to the DVR, so maybe it'll be free but with that distinction so they can't be saved.
  5. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    It's just the same three keepcases placed inside a tin. The tin looks nice enough, judging by pictures online, but it's probably not worth too much of an effort to find.
  6. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I see wiggle room for an HD version. :)
  7. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    No, not unless they said it after the original news piece:
  8. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Will the casual fan really buy ANOTHER Star Wars set next year?
  9. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I wouldn't worry too much about waiting a year. Unless they are required to send back stock after the limited period ends--don't know how that works--there should be plenty. Just one Fry's around here had something like sixty copies of each movie.
  10. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Don't forget the "taste good" line, which is reason number one to not want the SEs.
  11. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I'm not sure I understand the question.
  12. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    That's an attitude I can respect, Bryan. I almost went there myself.
  13. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Syriana, Brazil, Apocalypse Now . . . all films I care *nothing* about. Fans of those films can decide for themselves if they want to raise a stink over however they are released. I wouldn't buy them in any flavor. On the other hand, there have been several movies I've wanted over the years that...
  14. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I doubt if the originals will be included next year, but it also shouldn't be too tough to find these at that point.
  15. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    It sure isn't how he was treating it during the initial release. "See it exactly how you saw it in the theater! Buy our cool t-shirts!" Why even put out a workprint? With a few very rare exceptions--none come to mind--why even release a workprint? I guess he wants the money from this highly...
  16. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    That's hardly a selling point with me. I think Struzen's work on the OT has been pretty subpar.
  17. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I just want to clarify that I didn't mean that as, "You can't be serious! " I meant it as, "Since Ricardo was no help at all. . . ." :D As for if I'm going to buy them, probably. I shouldn't, I said I wouldn't, but I will. Yeah.
  18. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Assuming you're serious, disc one--exactly the same as the previous 2004 version--is anamorphic, while disc two--the original theatrical presentation--is not.
  19. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I think that's been covered. He doesn't want to do those things, so he puts them out with less care than he gives to video game trailers? If he doesn't want them out there, they shouldn't be out there. He ain't going to turn down the money he gets from them.
  20. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Sounds like he got it from Insider, which I haven't read since my Hyperspace subscription ran out a few months after Sith.
  21. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    After all the crappy post-Jedi novels, I've lost all interest in any true sequels.
  22. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    The early word was that Lucas wanted to do 100 episodes, but who knows if that was accurate or is still the case.
  23. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I've heard they did. The copy discussed at came from Blockbuster, I believe. You probably are asking if they'll have it for rent, though. I don't know about that. I haven't been in one for years.
  24. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Even Empire? Philistines. I'd be tempted to get it for the "lucky you don't taste good" line alone. And, from Star Wars, the removal of the completely useless Jabba scene. Besides, I don't think most non-Star Wars nerds hate any of the originals. I think it's kind of the opposite. I think it...
  25. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I don't know why anyone should be embarrassed to actually want to see the subtitles. LucasFilm needs to be embarrassed that one can't if one wants to watch it as properly as possible on a 16x9 display.
  26. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Hey, I could keep it to myself if I do buy it, but I figure I'll be honest about it. If I read the official site's Empire changes feature correctly, that was a change for the SEs. So, it'll be the way it was before that with these bonus discs.
  27. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Yeah, people shouldn't be berated for whatever choice they make here. Especially if I end up cracking. :D
  28. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I know, but I reject the challenge. When he puts something out intentionally hoping for lighter sales--which is a foregone conclusion anyway, since most people will see these on the shelves and say, "I already bought Star Wars!"--I'm content to just let him win his little battle. I refuse to...
  29. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    Call him up and say, "Mr. Lucas, I'd rather pay to Wii than for your butchered originals." ;)
  30. Greg_S_H

    Star Wars discussion from The Bits...

    I may stay strong, but I'll have to see. It's been easier since I wasn't totally wild about Episode III. That caused me to sort of reevaluate things. That and Lucas's "it'll all out" comments to MTV do harden my resolve.