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  1. Eric Peterson

    Metallica "Death Magnetic" out today (9/12)!!!

    I'm curious what your thoughts are regarding the news that Metallica is up for Rock Hall induction this year? Personally, I think they belong for Lightning, Puppets, & Justice alone. What I'm struggling with is that I don't think those albums lead to them getting a nomination, it was most...
  2. Eric Peterson

    Metallica "Death Magnetic" out today (9/12)!!!

    For the most part I agree. Lars was never a GREAT drummer, but he was much better than he is now. He used to have some creative fills and changed his patterns more which made it at least an interesting listen. I didn't catch any of that on this new album. As for Burton, you're probably right...
  3. Eric Peterson

    Metallica "Death Magnetic" out today (9/12)!!!

    Agreed, and don't think that it's a whole lot different these days. Sure there are many more people getting their hands on illegal copies than in the old days because it's much much much easier, but these additional people were never a threat to become a customer in the first place, so I don't...
  4. Eric Peterson

    Metallica "Death Magnetic" out today (9/12)!!!

    I didn't mean to piss you off Aaron, but I guess we'll agree to disagree. If you put it out there, people will steal it. This is nothing new, only the method is new. People recorded from the radio for many decades, copied records to reel-to-reel in the 70s, tapes and records to tapes in the 80s...
  5. Eric Peterson

    Metallica "Death Magnetic" out today (9/12)!!!

    I completely agrees with everything you're saying except for one crucial element. Metallica themselves have admitted that they tasked themselves with writing a follow-up to "Master of Puppets". This was their goal in the studio....and if this was their goal then it was a miserable failure...
  6. Eric Peterson

    Metallica "Death Magnetic" out today (9/12)!!!

    I wish that I could compare the album with Justice as it's probably my 2nd favorite after Puppets. My main complaint with the sound is that there is still too much of the garbage can sounding drums. Add to this that the drumming is extremely slow (Danzig-ish) and highly uncreative. Then the bass...
  7. Eric Peterson

    Metallica "Death Magnetic" out today (9/12)!!!

    These guys have become the very definition of hypocrisy. They stream their album online so anybody with half of a brain can steal a copy, then cancel an interview because the reviewer admitted to downloading a copy. As for the album, I listened to nearly the whole thing on their website and...