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  1. Douglas Monce

    Any Significance? (Indiana Jones)

    Lucas owns the Indiana Jones films and the Star Wars films. The studios only have distribution deals. Lucas can do what he wants with the films. Doug
  2. Douglas Monce

    Any Significance? (Indiana Jones)

    While this is all true, one thing you missed is that Young Indy has been sitting on a shelf finished for almost 4 years waiting to be released. Also by the time Lucas released Episode 1, DVD was in a lot more homes than HD DVD or Blu-ray are. I'm not saying that it won't happen, I'm just...
  3. Douglas Monce

    Any Significance? (Indiana Jones)

    I wouldn't be surprised to see the 4 indy film on HD sometime after the release. But I wouldn't expect to see the other films for a few years. I'm gonna say that indy 4 will come out on SD only. 3 or 4 years from now we may get an HD boxed set. Doug
  4. Douglas Monce

    Any Significance? (Indiana Jones)

    I'd love to see that too....but I'm not going to hold my breath. Doug
  5. Douglas Monce

    Any Significance? (Indiana Jones)

    Thats not true Shane, we often agree to disagree! :D Doug
  6. Douglas Monce

    Any Significance? (Indiana Jones)

    I wouldn't count on it. Think about how long it was before the Star Wars films were put on DVD. More likely it will be a DVD only release. Doug
  7. Douglas Monce

    Any Significance? (Indiana Jones)

    Its just a place holder. Amazon does that all the time. Don't count on Indy anytime soon. Doug