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  1. Don Solosan

    Rise of The Planet of the Apes

    I can't imagine committing to buying something I haven't seen, even if I find that it's bad. I don't understand that at all. Are you a huge PoTA fan or something, Sam?
  2. Don Solosan

    Rise of The Planet of the Apes

    "Just wanted to add, I still don't get this." You simply cannot fit a human form into an orangutan shape. Or a chimpanzee. Gorilla, okay, but the others no. I think the original works better because the apes are stylized, not realistic, so I'm not automatically comparing them to the...
  3. Don Solosan

    Rise of The Planet of the Apes

    "Why wouldn't you want it to look realistic?" The more you go down the "realism" route, the more obvious it is that these are humans wearing ape masks. The apes the original were stylish and different, and I think that helped the shock ending. As for Kong, define "better." The original...
  4. Don Solosan

    Rise of The Planet of the Apes

    I don't see more "realistic" makeup as being a plus in a Planet of the Apes movie. The original apes have a unique look that is amazing all by itself; I don't see it as a plus for the franchise when they moved away from that look. Just like King Kong -- the original Kong was more than just a...