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  1. DavidJ

    Weekly RoundUp 9-1-2015

    It's quite a strange world the first time you visit it. My wife wasn't sure what to think
  2. DavidJ

    Weekly RoundUp 9-1-2015

    I was sorely tempted by the anthology at Best Buy, but really wanted Fury Road in 3D so I stuck with my plan. Best Buys around here had Army of Frankensteins for $9.99. They sold out before I could get my copy though. I am wondering if they are in other Best Buys around the country or if it's...
  3. DavidJ

    Weekly RoundUp 9-1-2015

    I wanted to pick up the Mad Max anthology collection, but I really want Fury Road in 3D so I guess I'll pick it up instead. I am also getting Army of Frankensteins. It's a truly independent film that was done on a five-figure budget in Oklahoma. The director is a great guy who works at an...