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  1. David Williams

    2005 Fall Schedule Thread

    I finally got my copy of EW's Fall TV Preview, so here are my broadcast choices (hopefully next week's issue has the cable series): Sunday 6PM America's Funniest Home Videos 6:30 PM King of the Hill (This is the last season?!?) 7PM Charmed 8PM Desperate Housewives Monday 7PM Surface...
  2. David Williams

    2005 Fall Schedule Thread

    Sunday: Desperate Housewives, Charmed, America's Funniest Home Videos Monday: Fathom, Medium, House (spring) Tuesday: NCIS, House (fall), American Idol (spring) Wednesday: Lost, Invasion, American Idol (spring), The Apprentice: Martha, E-Ring, Law & Order Thursday: Alias, The Night Stalker...
  3. David Williams

    2005 Fall Schedule Thread

    This show is bad juju... I was part of a focus group that was asked to watch the pilot and then give opinions on it and some future story ideas they had cooked up. The show desperately wants to be The West Wing back when that show was great, but it can't hold a candle. The President of the...
  4. David Williams

    2005 Fall Schedule Thread

    I can certainly understand that viewpoint, it's just really hard to see a quality show with high caliber actors get the short shrift just because ABC doesn't need it anymore. Jennifer Garner has, without a doubt, brought a certain cachet to ABC before Desperate Housewives and Lost turned it into...
  5. David Williams

    2005 Fall Schedule Thread

    I'm really glad that WB kept Charmed around for another year, but I'm seriously bummed about Fear Factor being held to patch the sked and Alias getting moved from its nurturing spot on Wednesdays. I'm guessing ABC doesn't plan on renewing the series when Jennifer Garner's contract runs out at...