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  1. David Lee

    Acclaim dropping support for Gamecube

    It's called growing pains. Microsoft and Sony are getting those out of the way now, instead of when it REALLY matters. And Nintendo can't learn from their mistakes. They are FORCED to repeat them. Speaking about the Next Gen, everyone starts at zero. They will have to build a user base all...
  2. David Lee

    Acclaim dropping support for Gamecube

    When Nintendo unveils their next console all that technology and expanded user base will be available to them. Why lose money now, if things are going to be so much better in a year or two, which happens to be when the new consoles are likely to hit the market. You seem to validate Nintendo's...
  3. David Lee

    Acclaim dropping support for Gamecube

    by the time online gaming hits 'the big time', Sony and MS will likely have a lock on that market segment. I doubt online gaming will hit the big time in this generation of consoles. Next Generation, maybe. I also doubt brand loyalty and recognition will carry over. It didn't help Nintendo...
  4. David Lee

    Acclaim dropping support for Gamecube

    . indeed they were the first to standardize, but their "mushroom" snapped off after the least use, and the entire N64 controller was an ergonomic nightmare. The mushroom snapped off on YOUR N64 controller, even though you've never owned one. I don't like wireless controllers. I really...
  5. David Lee

    Acclaim dropping support for Gamecube

    FACTS- According to Game Japan, in March 2003, of the top ten units sold in Japan, seven were GBA games including Mega Man Zero 2 and Castlevania: AOS, both third party titles. Only recently, the Xbox has started to outsell the PS1 and the ahem,Wonderswan in Japan. I also said Nintendo made them...
  6. David Lee

    Acclaim dropping support for Gamecube

    FACT- Sony is developing a potentially far superior product that has the potential to severely damage that revenue stream FACT- I could potentially be the next president. Michael Jordan could potentially be the messiah. You could potentially own Universal Studios. The Red Sox could...
  7. David Lee

    Acclaim dropping support for Gamecube

    FACT- Many retailers are dumping carrying Gamecube or severely reducing their spread. FACT- Many third parties are ceasing production of original GameBoy titles because they cannot make money on them. Go ahead and backup those statements. FACT- Sony is developing a potentially far...
  8. David Lee

    Acclaim dropping support for Gamecube

    Jeff reminds me of a friend who tells me how good or bad a movie is without actually seeing it. Never owned a Nintendo, but craps on every Nintendo thread whether it's GBA or GCN. You also talk a lot about Malata[ on the Region DVD section], do you actually own one. Post a review Of SW:Episode...
  9. David Lee

    Acclaim dropping support for Gamecube

    And Microsoft is making money on Xbox? What happens in two years when a new console is released and they have to eat the cost of the system [thay all do] to be competitive. Will they rely on their amazing first party games to make up the cost. If anything, Microsoft would pull the plug quicker...
  10. David Lee

    Acclaim dropping support for Gamecube

    Sega left the console business because they lost money year after year. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Nintendo make something like 500 million in profit last year. Why would Nintendo panic. I agree they are making big mistakes but they won't care if they are stilling making money and not...