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  1. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    Question for those with Apple Card... Can you schedule payments ahead of time?
  2. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    If you have the income required for a black card invite then the fee is pocket change. You're in the income territory of "if you have to ask the price, you can't afford it..."
  3. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    "Apple warns not to keep its credit card by leather, denim, or loose change." "Apple also advises against placing the card in a wallet slot that already has a different credit card, so it doesn't get scratched. And the company says customers should not store their Apple Card in a pocket or bag...
  4. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    Apple warns not to keep its credit card by leather, denim, or loose change. Oh my...
  5. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    I routinely clean my bank card with rose water and a mink glove. Apple's standards for their products are really slipping. Steve would... oh nevermind...
  6. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    Apple has released a support document on how to clean and protect your Apple Card. My. God.
  7. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    My problem with the Apple Card is that I don't see the name Apple, I see the name Goldman Sachs. I would much rather give my business to my local credit union as I have for years.
  8. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    I'm 40 and use cash for my day to day purchases, for many reasons. My checking account only has in it what I need to pay a bill electronically.
  9. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    I'm gonna play devil's advocate on this and say cards aren't going anywhere. Most thought cash was on its way out (and many businesses started to not accept it due to cost) but some states have begun passing laws requiring businesses to take cash because lower income people largely don't have...
  10. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    I recently switched from a credit lock to a credit freeze, and added a fraud alert, as my name came up in the whole Equifax thing...
  11. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    Not gonna lie I had to Google that :emoji_thinking:
  12. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    The funny thing is this week I found myself using cash the most, as the few places I went to (small businesses) wouldn't take anything else so they could avoid the fees associated with cards and payment methods like Square...
  13. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    Especially when using Apple Pay as intended. You barely even see the card...
  14. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    The Yankees card has a much higher limit than other cards which helps it buy... Ah nevermind ;)
  15. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    I'm elated that that's how you took it. That's all I really care about... :cheers:
  16. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    With all due respect John (and I really do sincerely mean that) that just isn't true. I work for one of the biggest banks in the country (US Bank) and we do it every day. Everybody does it. I offer my incredibly faded through the years coffee mug as proof ;)
  17. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    That's not accurate, though. Someone with no credit history (listed as "indeterminable") would just go through the process of being manually underwritten. A credit score is an automatic view into your financial trustworthiness. Without it a lender would have do it manually with the records you...
  18. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    Seems like it's been a good, informative discussion to me, but if that's what you want... Cheers :cheers:
  19. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    Yep, you said so in your post. My answer was considering that.
  20. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    Think about it this way - if a credit card company only gave out lines of credit to people who didn't have some form of monthly housing payment, how would they stay in business? -Random dude on internet ;)
  21. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    That is why I said the age/history of the line of credit is important. If the company giving you the mortgage sees that your $20K line of credit is 20 years old and you haven't abused it, that's one thing. If they see your $20k line of credit is 1 year old, they don't necessarily know how you...
  22. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    As a complete aside I thought I'd share this - I was recently going to sign a lease on an apartment and they wanted $60 to run a credit check. I took out my phone and opened the Equifax app, which showed the score and all the detailed info they could possibly need... and they still wanted the...
  23. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    False, with the caveat that it depends how long your accounts have been open. The best thing you can do is have a lot of unused credit on accounts you have had open for a long time. Having $20K available to you on accounts you just opened is not as good as having $20K available to you on...
  24. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    Then how do you pay your balance?
  25. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    So with an Apple Card - do you connect a checking account to it in order to make a payment on your balance?
  26. Cranston37+

    Are You Getting An Apple Card?

    This is absolutely right. Having credit cards but not charging on them is one of the best things you can do to help your credit score. It keeps your credit utilization at zero. But I will not be getting an Apple Card, no. First, I kicked my for profit bank with a bad reputation (Wells Fargo)...