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  1. Cory S.

    Comic Book Movies: Hollywood's New Westerns

    In fairness to Mark Steven Johnson, Fox screwed him on Daredevil. The director's cut is just a stronger picture that probably would've been received much better had we seen that version first. Now, Ghost Rider.....
  2. Cory S.

    Comic Book Movies: Hollywood's New Westerns

    I kind of wish they were actually going the "Origin" graphic novel for the Wolverine prequel. I just prefer that story more than what I think they're going to do.... ...but, if Hugh is still playing Wolverine, I'll still be there.
  3. Cory S.

    Comic Book Movies: Hollywood's New Westerns

    Terry, Yeah, my Spider-Man 3 viewing was extremely unpleasant. I mean, it just didn't have the grace and heart of Spider-Man 2, although, it tried really, really hard to have the heart when you get to the specifics of the Mary Jane storyline. But, yes, the producers and suits had their...
  4. Cory S.

    Comic Book Movies: Hollywood's New Westerns

    Terry, I know. It's just frustrating that it goes like this (apart of my post has alot to do with the fact that I just came from seeing Spider-Man 3.). It's always about the bottom dollar and it'll remain that way. I guess it gets most frustrating because the studios, who only look at the...
  5. Cory S.

    Comic Book Movies: Hollywood's New Westerns

    Terry, Marvel's last few films have almost run this genre into the ground, if you ask me. I mean, if you really look at it, Marvel hasn't a great film released since Spider-Man 2...that was three years ago.