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  1. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Well, they've never had the conventional mother-daughter dynamic, which has been fun and all but now it's sort of backfiring. And I don't know if respect is so much the issue as self-doubt about whether she can be as strong as her mother.
  2. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    I think it's plausible, but she'd have to have Paris be her life coach. :)
  3. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Well, after the visiting the backlot any illusions have been destroyed, which is okay because that was one of the highlights of the trip. Everytime I see a house or shop, I usually think, "Oh, that's just kitty corner from Luke's Diner." Mrs. Kim was pretty great (but still scary). Her...
  4. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Same thing happened to me. :angry:
  5. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    All solid observations, but it does not preclude her from developing "what it takes." This is the first time she's been told she can't do something after years of accolades from friends and family and teachers. That would be hard thing for anyone. The most important thing is for her not to...
  6. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    I've wondered if maybe this is Pa Huntzberger's way of dealing with Rory. Where his wife and father just say it to your face, he gets sneaky and conniving. I would give Rory some time. She essentially idolized him and believed she was on track, so she's in shock about it. I'm assuming...
  7. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    And who else thought Kirk looked like the Yellow Bastard from the neck down? Freaky!
  8. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Well, the pregnancy scare was short-lived but rather contrived. Was it just for the sake of bringing out the fact Lorelai isn't ready to re-settle down? I think we could have figured that out without it. And of course Luke will be left hanging over the summer...but I'm banking on the fact Amy...
  9. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Well, the scene clip from the teaser was a bit strange, as if Lorelai had never been pregnant before and doesn't know when someone is pregnant. So I'm assuming that soundbite was taken out of context, as teaser editors are prone to do. Also, I just watched the opener for the first ep of...
  10. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Hmm...I found this episode annoying and not because of the writing so much as the Gilmores' behavior and the brewing conflict between Luke asking Lorelai to marry him (or move in with him) and her having an opportunity to get out of Stars Hollow. Emily needs an ass kicking. Any sympathy I...
  11. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    The one to slip for me this season is Jack and Bobby. I suppose I'll watch what I have recorded, but it's definitely not calling to me like it did.
  12. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Jackson is alive! Rory seems to be figuring out who she is, but will she be more or less like her mother, who would refuse an opportunity if she didn't feel she worked for or earned it? Ultimately I don't think I would think less of Rory if she took the internship or embraced the privileges...
  13. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Good point. The last I remember Jackson was still complaining and occasionally hiding out from townsfolk. Seeing that Suki was at the town meeting without Jackson, maybe Taylor was filling in? Or the writers just decided to ditch the subplot?
  14. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Luke and Lorelai and Dean and Rory went on a double date and things were tense all night and culminated in Luke and Dean being more aggressive than one would expect over a game of Bop-It. Essentially Luke didn't think Dean was good enough for Rory.
  15. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Oh, how could I forget Paris begging for change in her bare feet? That fart sound she made was also hilariously bizarre. It felt like the director just threw her out there and told her to improv the scene. The spotlight cue for the mute child was a crack up too. The episode seemed a bit...
  16. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    I felt like we missed an episode with Rory and Paris' respective boy troubles. Who knew Lorelai would acquire a son? The museum was awesome!
  17. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    No problem.
  18. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Not exactly in order: Kirk sits in Luke's Diner collecting all the blue and pink bows. Turns out Lorelai has more supporters and Luke owes her a dinner for "losing." Kirk chases down his girlfriend Lulu to get back the pink bow she's wearing; he returns with her shirt with the bow still...
  19. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    This is the best I could do (no HD :frowning:):
  20. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Not on par with previous eps, but it had its moments. The highlight was of course Lorelai ripping Emily a new one. I'm just waiting for Luke to have his comeuppance with the Gilmores. She was VERY believable in tonight's dress. ;)
  21. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Yeah, Logan isn't so bad. He's not ashamed of his privileged life but then he doesn't lord it over anyone either. He's been decent to Marti, though initially Rory perceived him as being condescending. He hasn't proved that first impression correct. Now it's just a matter of seeing how he's going...
  22. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    So who was the second guy Rory slept with? Actually, Luke stepped inside the house ;) I couldn't wait for them to get back together again, so I had no problems with it. It may not be realistic, but it wasn't a coincidence a Hollywood musical was playing at the time.
  23. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Oh thank God, all is right with the world.
  24. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    All I have to say is, "Poor Marti." I'm doubtful if they'll be able to be friends anymore. I'm looking forward to next week when Rory rips into Emily and maybe Luke gets his chance to do the same now that he has no reason to impress or please her.
  25. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Okay, it was naive of me to think Luke and Lorelai's troubles would only last for one episode, but the conflict is killing me! :b Anyone know what movie Luke was watching? It seemed like an accurate reflection to how he probably felt at the party.
  26. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Very good episode. The article in the current Entertainment Weekly gave me hope the Luke and Lorelai coupling won't be frivolously tossed aside, so whatever issues are coming up will just be a bump in the road (at least I hope). Seeing Rory be a bit aggressive was a nice change, though all we...
  27. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    Immaculate conception?
  28. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    I think it was one of the best episodes this season. I didn't care much for last week's (Lorelai's screaming at the snow was a bit much). The kid at the table was a riot, as was Mrs. Kim and Zach bonding over glasses. Boy, it's always painful to see Rory trying to take the initiative. Nice to...
  29. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    This occurred to me and that makes more sense to me than the notion of her being protective of Rory and, by extension, Christopher.
  30. Citizen87645

    Gilmore Girls Season 5 thread

    I understand it's done to fulfill the need for conflict, so I was basically (rhetorically) expressing my disappointment as well. My friend felt the same way when things started falling apart with Dean and Rory, but that was kind of understandable given the track record of first...