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  1. Chuck Mayer

    *** Official "BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF"Discussion Thread

    I have to admit...I left thinking it was a lion. I still think it was a lion. I own two cats, and La Bete's eyes looked feline close up. It also moved too fast for a canine. Anyways, the more I remember, the more I like:D Take care, Chuck
  2. Chuck Mayer

    *** Official "BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF"Discussion Thread

    The beast looks good, the CGI is OK, but it isn't a big budget film. If you can stomach the scorpion king in Mummy Returns, this should be a piece of cake. It's by Jim Henson Creature didn't bother me in the least. Besides, Monica Bellucci makes up for anything:D Take care, Chuck
  3. Chuck Mayer

    *** Official "BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF"Discussion Thread

    Saw it in DC tonight in a packed theater. Quite a fun movie. I explained it to my wife as a movie that stole most of the good ideas from the last few years and made a decent, comprehensible, FUN movie out of them. That DVD Patrick showed (and Sam D. mentioned) looks wonderful, but no doubt...
  4. Chuck Mayer

    *** Official "BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF"Discussion Thread

    This is definitely one I want to check out. Heard nothing but good things about it, so I am just waiting for it to hit the Nation's Capital:D Take care, Chuck