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  1. ChristopherG

    SUPERNATURAL - Season 3

    Dean was alive and not in hell when he told Sam not to save him. He is now in hell - that place of eternal torture and damnation. I don't see why it is surprising that he would be screaming for his brother to help him. It is hell.
  2. ChristopherG

    SUPERNATURAL - Season 3

    I thought it was brilliant from the theme music, the reference to the writer's strike and the "poke" at Ghost Hunters. Great satire all the way around.
  3. ChristopherG

    SUPERNATURAL - Season 3

    Well, there is that "Jason" appearance to look forward to then... ;)
  4. ChristopherG

    SUPERNATURAL - Season 3

    If you didn't watch the show then you have no real context for your remarks, as a simple clip doesn't recreate the situation. Accordingly, I will discount your comments as immaterial to the discussion.
  5. ChristopherG

    SUPERNATURAL - Season 3

    Without belaboring the point and inviting censure I think you nailed it for me too - I love mindless fantasy for my entertainment, be it movies or TV. I rarely go for movies that depict the human condition or detailed character studies of some realistic human drama - I live that shit. When I go...
  6. ChristopherG

    SUPERNATURAL - Season 3

    You have got to be kidding with this aren't you? Seriously, I am concerned. Jeffery threw out the exact name that went through my head when I read your question. Dude, you may have a career as a TV writer ahead of you... Clearly, some of you should re-watch the show as you keep forgetting...
  7. ChristopherG

    SUPERNATURAL - Season 3

    Greg- I respect your position and am slowly moving that way myself. It's too bad - this show could walk a finer balance on the whole good and evil portrayal but so far that has not happened.
  8. ChristopherG

    SUPERNATURAL - Season 3

    Dean didn't say it..and it has nothing to do with whether or not Dick gets over it - who cares? Personal politics do not belong in mindless entertainment, period.
  9. ChristopherG

    SUPERNATURAL - Season 3

    the Dick Cheney reference was writers should keep their politics to themselves...