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  1. Chris Will

    Darren Aronofsky's Mother! - 10.13.17

    I was the only person in the auditorium when I saw it and the sound design was the creepiest thing about the movie. I kept think people had snuck in the theater and talking. I think I turned around 3 times. Bravo to the sound designer and mixer.
  2. Chris Will

    Darren Aronofsky's Mother! - 10.13.17

    I was going to write a long post listing the references I noticed but the following 2 articles do a much better job than I could have done. I found the first article the more interesting of the two.
  3. Chris Will

    Darren Aronofsky's Mother! - 10.13.17

    I saw this last night and it was... interesting. Definitely not a horror movie and I don't understand why it was marketed as one so I get why audience are hating it. I understand why most Christians are staying away although, I'm Christian and didn't have a problem with the movie except for...
  4. Chris Will

    Darren Aronofsky's Mother! - 10.13.17

    So, without spoiling anything, is it horror or psychological thriller. I'm not a horror fan, just don't like movies full of jump out and scare you stuff. I do like some stuff like "The Others", "Cabin in the Woods" (that's probably more comedy) and the Alien movies. Sorry can't think of other...