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  1. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    There's some pictures of the TARDIS console rooms here:
  2. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    I think the tv movie is pretty good too, aside from the half human thing, which is generally ignored by fandom, the Eye of Harmony being on the TARDIS and requiring a human to open it, the Dalek voices and the Eric Roberts Master. Its a terrible way to introduce Doctor Who to a US audience who...
  3. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    Doctor Who has lost another executive producer: Something is going on over in Cardiff and I don't think everything is hunky-dorey for Doctor Who, despite what Moffat says.
  4. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    That's series 5. The BBC just finished showing the first half of series 6. As for Amy (spoilers for the first 2 episodes of series 5) After regenerating the Tardis crash lands in the yard of 7 year old Amy Pond on Earth in the mid 90's. The Doctor is still loopy after his...
  5. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    Here's an article on the situation for those who don't know: I'm not happy about this news either. It's very late, I'm tired (sorry if this is a bit incomprehensible) and this news has made me grumpy so I may post...
  6. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    Here in Canada Space is also following the BBCA schedule so the next new episode is delayed a week here too. I don't know if Space is doing a Who marathon or not, my programme listings don't go that far ahead.
  7. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    Ah, you're right. I missed The Doctor explaining that the hologram was taken from Amy's phone. Either that or I forgo... Wait, what was I talking about?
  8. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    The Silence aren't meant to be Grays, we've already seen two Gray aliens in the 10th Doctor animated adventure Dreamland which dealt with the Roswell crash, but I understand what you mean. The Doctor probably did notice them in his frequent trips to Earth but he forgot once he looked away so...
  9. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    I think you misunderstood what I meant. I don't have a problem with multi-part stories, I do have a problem with writers making 60 minute scripts that then had to be cut down to fit into 45 minutes, which significantly hurt the majority of the episodes in series 5. Many of the cuts made...
  10. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    We haven't seen her with the sonic yet. Its possible he'll give it to her later, then again he could have already done it. We never did see 10 visit River during his regeneration but in Death of the Doctor the 11th Doctor mentioned he went and saw all of his companions before regenerating so one...
  11. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    The first airing of each episode of Doctor Who on BBC America is uncut, the repeats however are cut for time.
  12. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    There's also a two part Comic Relief mini adventure on this Friday. Its supposed to be more lighthearted than normal Doctor Who but still canon. I'm sure it will be on the Comic Relief YouTube page shortly after transmission. You can read a bit more about it here...
  13. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    According to This Week in Doctor Who ( its not airing in the US. Its possible they might show it at a later date but have the previous seasons been shown in the US? I'm surprised BBC America isn't showing it, especially since The Doctor was in 2 episodes...
  14. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    Now that's a cliffhanger. Its not quite as good as the one from The Stolen Earth but its damn close. I can't wait for The Big Bang!
  15. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    The "Next Time" trailer for the Pandorica Opens looks epic but are they really bringing the Drahvins back? How obscure. The Chumblies would be a better choice. At least they were somewhat memorable.
  16. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    The last two episodes really felt like a 6 part Pertwee story with less padding and better pacing. I wasn't too thrilled with how different the new Silurians looked but The Doctor calls them a relative of the Silurians we all know and love which works for me. Rory's death was unexpected but I...
  17. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    The Tardis has telepathic circuits which means that once you step in it the Tardis gets inside your head and translates all alien text and dialogue but the Doctor also plays some sort of part in this because when his 10th incarnation is unconscious and recovering from his regeneration his...
  18. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    The Doctor can go back to the same day but usually doesn't so as not to interfere with his own time line and I think the Doctor has a "been there, done that" attitude and always wants to go somewhere new. If he does go back to a day he previously visited he stays out the way of his previous...
  19. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    The Doctor cannot cross his own time line. He sort of tried to in the 2005 episode Father's Day and it went very badly. River Song first appeared in the 2008 episodes Silence in the Library and Forrest of the Dead. She arrives as part of a team investigating the mysteriously abandoned biggest...
  20. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    The episodes premiere in Canada and the US on the same date and time.
  21. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    I haven't seen Victory of the Daleks yet so I don't really know what you're referring to but the Daleks invaded London sometime in 2007 in the season 2 episode Doomsday where they openly fought the Cybermen and at some point in 2009 the Daleks moved the Earth halfway across the galaxy and...
  22. ChadMcCallum

    Doctor Who

    BBC America has stopped editing the episodes, at least for their premiere and possibly all together so edited episodes aren't a concern anymore. If you think BBC America was ruthless with their editing you should be lucky you didn't have to watch Journeys End on the CBC here in Canada. They cut...