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  1. Carlos Garcia

    Hanna Barbera fans rejoice! Jonny Quest, Flintstones, Jetsons coming!

    They seem to be doing this with more and more shows. I recently bought season 1 of Lost In Space and several scenes appear to be missing, due to the fact that instead of re-mastering the show with the original 35mm film masters, they took some recent syndication 1" video masters done in the 80s...
  2. Carlos Garcia

    Hanna Barbera fans rejoice! Jonny Quest, Flintstones, Jetsons coming!

    If Hollywood wants to know why people are turning to pirates, they need to look no further than their politically correct machinery at work. While I love this Jonny Quest DVD set, I will now be looking to buy a pirated DVD made from the old VHS set that contains "Pursuit of the Po-Ho." Hollywood...