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  1. BrianW

    Phrases and terminology that needs to STOP!

    It's a fair question, since the term "Organic" doesn't, on its face, suggest its regulated meaning. For milk, it primarily means that the dairy cows have not been routinely injected with steroids and antibiotics, and they graze only on grass grown on land that has been free from pesticide and...
  2. BrianW

    Phrases and terminology that needs to STOP!

    Ah, I see your point now. Sorry for misunderstanding. Lakes (and a lot of other things) are indeed a different matter since a man-made lake can be indistinguishable from a natural one. Perhaps we should call them "synthetic" lakes? :)
  3. BrianW

    Phrases and terminology that needs to STOP!

    I know "Organic" appears to be (hopefully) redundant when applied to things like milk and bananas, but the term actually means something, and its use is regulated and restricted to those manufacturers who qualify to use the term (which is not the case for "All Natural" :)). And while it is...
  4. BrianW

    Phrases and terminology that needs to STOP!

    Oh, good grief! What is that to which the world is coming? ;) If I may respond: 1. This is a thread about language. If Mr. Language Nazi were to correct other people's usage in a TiVo thread, that would be very annoying. But here, it is the very topic of discussion. Find an instance of Mr...
  5. BrianW

    Phrases and terminology that needs to STOP!

    Actually, the word normalcy is correct only because a US president used it publicly. Before that, it was considered incorrect usage. The correct usage was (and still is, to many sticklers) normality. The rule here is that if a US president says it, even if it is incorrect usage, it goes...
  6. BrianW

    Phrases and terminology that needs to STOP!

    If this is degenerating into a grammar complaint department, then I'm in! :) I see a lot of people use the word "then" when they mean "than". It's almost enough to make me scream. Okay, I'm done. Thanks for discussionizing with me. ;)