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  1. Brian D H

    Withdrawal Symptoms: Have You Suffered?

    I love it. It kind of feels like the last season of Angel where they worked at Wolfram & Hart. It took a few episodes to get into because the show purposely obscures who the good-guys are (or even if there are any). By now I know which characters I really like, but I still don't know if they're...
  2. Brian D H

    Withdrawal Symptoms: Have You Suffered?

    I just thought of another show that I loved and felt withdrawal when it was over. Highlander: The Series File this one under the "Be Careful What You Wish For" heading. It was followed up by the terrible "Raven" series, a so-so movie "Highlander: End Game", and the final nail in the coffin...
  3. Brian D H

    Withdrawal Symptoms: Have You Suffered?

    Agreed - I love Firefly. Then again, at least it's easy (and cheap) to collect.... one and done. Those 7 year series can be a bit expensive. It's starting to look like his Dollhouse series may be just as economical - maybe even cheaper since it probably won't have a movie to go along with it. ;)
  4. Brian D H

    Withdrawal Symptoms: Have You Suffered?

    But there was more. Even if you didn't watch Angel (or just didn't consider it "more") there are still the "Season Eight" comic books. Since they are written by Josh Whedon along with the rest of the writing team from Buffy they really feel like a continuation - without the budget constraints or...
  5. Brian D H

    Withdrawal Symptoms: Have You Suffered?

    LOL I know what you mean. After Star Trek TNG went off the air I realized that there was ONE episode that I'd missed. Since this was pre-DVD I had to wait for it to air again. I didn't wind up catching that missed episode until about 5 years later. It was absolutely wonderful catching a "new"...