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  1. Bill Williams

    What words that people mis-pronounce that drive you nuts?

    I gotta go with one that, while it was mentioned a few pages back, it really ticks me off when some people, instead of asking a question, they aks a question. Bottom line: IT'S ASK, NOT AKS! :angry: (Sorry for the caps and the repeat, I just had to get it out of my system.) We now return you...
  2. Bill Williams

    What words that people mis-pronounce that drive you nuts?

    Of course, Zod always pronounces Houston "Hoo-ston". :D
  3. Bill Williams

    What words that people mis-pronounce that drive you nuts?

    The one that really gets to me is "road". Some of the people I've heard talking screw it up all the time and say "ro-ed". Gets me frazzled to want to say, "It's pronounced "road"!!!!!" Of course the funniest mis-pronunciation I ever saw was in "Under the Cherry Moon": Prince and Jerome Benton...