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  1. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    As I recall, in the James Blish novels of Star Trek, Lt. Palamas gets pregnant at the end of the story.
  2. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    One thing noticeable is that the beginning of Part Two (the recap of Part One) looked so washed out. I take it it's because there are no film elements for that sequence? They probably took a print and spliced it together back in 1966 which is a generation lower than what they used for the main...
  3. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Would you believe she was also Agent Charlie Watkins on Get Smart?
  4. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Just heard that Percy Rodriguez has passed away (Commodore Stone in 'Court Martial')
  5. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Wasn't one of the images mislabeled? Its supposed to show a face of Gaetano and the face looked more like Latimer? (anyone care to verify?)
  6. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    If the subject of re-doing ST:TAS is up for discussion, how about other series, like Space: 1999 or UFO, or do those shows have the charm of Gerry Anderson miniatures and should not be futzed with?
  7. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Thanks for confirming that my observations are correct, that they changed those scenes with new CGI, but you didn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out. One other annoying thing is when the klingon ship was hit, the explosion was out of sync with the sound. Of course, with a...
  8. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    I believe the Organians transformation to their true form was also altered with new CGI. The sneak attack in the opening scene was not helped with the new CGI, it did not improve the impact of the scene, no pun intended.
  9. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Did not care for the sun slingshot sequence, looked too cartoony. Even the air braking in the movie 2010 around Jupiter looked better, and it was non-cgi. The braking at the end did not improve the original. Thought they would at least show the ship slowing down from light speed more gradually...
  10. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    The shot of the enterprise quickly ducking down towards the cell just before entering looked too fast and awkward to seem like a realistic motion. It was less than 2 seconds but it was akin to the Doomsday machine pulling the Enterprise in, the effect looked a little cartoony. Also, with...
  11. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    You don't see them do it, but they slingshot back in time in Assignment: Earth. Also, one of the few times a Stars Wars and Star Trek line are the same: Teri Garr to the paperweight - My Little Green Friend Darth Sideous to Yoda in ROTS : ... My Little Green Friend
  12. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Sulu had the best lines in this show: Whoever he is... he sure talks gloomy! With an armful of this stuff, I wouldn't be afraid of a supernova I wonder who it is we're not supposed to be afraid of Of course there's Kirk's "I know a place where the women are so..."
  13. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    One can bet they will edit out the fight scene with Commodore Decker.
  14. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Maybe I saw it wrong, but I thought the CGI shuttlecraft in the hanger was much bigger scale than the non-cgi shuttle. Maybe the CGI one is closer in scale to what it really should be, if you compare it to Star Trek V? It just looked like it made the hangar look much smaller than before...
  15. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Looking at Balance of Terror again, what would really be nice is if they put real windows on the bridge of the Romulan ship, maybe with star fields and light flashes when the photon torpedos (nee phasers) are exploding.
  16. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    I can only guess at this point, but I think this is the good thing that came out of the cancellation of Enterprise. Whether they had planned this re-touch up years ago, someone here will verify that, but I can imagine with Enterprise out of the picture, this allows them to focus their efforts on...
  17. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Have to second that on the window view Enterprise, such a disappointment. Sure it moved, but it looked so crude!! The space shot of the Enterprise, top notch good job, but that window view one, yes it did look worse than the original AMT model version.
  18. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Sorry but I have to differ here. I thought K7 looked too much like a plastic model, even with better detail, but that's IMO. The one in DS9 I thought was better. Otherwise, at least they showed the impulse engines on when the ship was not going a warp speed at the end. The show story itself is...
  19. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Has anyone noticed the end credits? Not only are they the same with no visual effects retouched, they have the original music as well, not a new recording like the titles.
  20. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Tribbles will be just like the others, re-create the FX the same way, but either fix a problem or enhance a scene without drastically changing the scene. So we should have the Enterprise orbiting K7 view to be not just a model hanging outside Mr. Lurie's window.
  21. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    With all the comments in mind and what we have seen, it's seems very unlikely they will: Change the Salt Monster in Man Trap? Show Romulan ships in Enterprise Incident (there is a comment in the story that points out they are Romulans using Klingon ships, so why would they change it?) A...
  22. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Maybe they will CGI replace the three people who play the ghosts doing "Very bad poetry" with something less campy looking.
  23. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Back to the matte painting changes - I just realized the one place you can still see some of the old matte paintings and old FX- The End Credits! Has anyone noticed whether they changed things there, or are they still the same stills? I thought the last time I saw the end credits, shots that had...
  24. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    They probably don't want to do HD masters just yet because they will probably want to change the current FX again as the look improves, fixing it wherever it came up short. Also, they can at a later time do more dazzling effects later, or whatever it takes to sell the show 20 years from now...
  25. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    On a related note, wonder what they will do to change the Delta Vega mining station in WNMHGB and are they likely to change the same matte painting they used in Dagger of the mind to something that looks more like a mental hospital?
  26. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Sorry, I stand corrected, but I have not seen these episodes in a while. Time to pull out the non-box set DVDs before watching the broadcast. What I have noticed are little things I have forgotten, like in Balance of Terror. I forgot that during the wedding ceremony, Yeomand Rand was behind...
  27. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    The new FX were interesting, but they did not improve the story of the show. No one mentioned it yet, but I thought the Gorn's mouth moving was a new effect, but I haven't seen the old version in a while. Although the Gorn's eyes blinked, they looked more like animation than real eyes. The...
  28. Anthony Hom

    Star Trek TOS Special Edition Starts Sept 16th.

    Funny, but to me, the new CGI looks more like a model than the original model. Especially the one noted in a vidcap. The only other redux CGI was when Norman opened his lid and revealed his workings. I think Alice did the same thing, but looks like they edited out of syndication.