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  1. Alex Spindler

    Cinematic Mulligans - List Five Films You Wish Someone Would Remake

    I don't think a Mulligan is needed for A.I. I just want for it to end with the shot of David underwater as he yearns for the Blue Fairy to make him a real boy forever. The rest of the film is fine in my opinion with minor quibbles here and there. But I think this conversation has been had...
  2. Alex Spindler

    Cinematic Mulligans - List Five Films You Wish Someone Would Remake

    It's an interesting exercise. In thinking about films that don't just have a scene I'd want taken out but really a retry instead in the world they represent, I'd come up with: 1) Star Wars: Episode 1 and 2 (and possibly 3) I think that, with little exception, there is just too little...