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  1. Alex Spindler

    Directors The Massive All-New "Movies We Want on DVD" Poll

    Hey Scott, Quick update - First, Hardware is a Buena Vista title and it has a release date! 5/6/03, but no details on the specs. For some reason it had fallen off my list of "incoming" titles. Also, Flash Gordon has been released, but is now OOP. Great list. I discovered several on your...
  2. Alex Spindler

    Directors The Massive All-New "Movies We Want on DVD" Poll

    Please take all dates and companies with a very very large grain of salt. I checked through the list, but couldn't really believe that Dawn and Return II weren't there, so discard at will! Blood of Heroes - 1988 HBO? Cast a Deadly Spell - 1991 HBO? Class of Nukem High II - 1991 Troma Class...