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  1. Alan Tully

    How long will it be before Buffy(tv series) goes Blu?

    I still think he was short sighted, why no go the whole hog & do it in b/w & mono, but that's a done deal now. Will Fox put in the money to go HD, I don't think so, which is a shame as it was a great show, but those early series look so poor, & as people get used to HD & new shows, they're just...
  2. Alan Tully

    How long will it be before Buffy(tv series) goes Blu?

    It was unbelievable how short sighted Joss Whedon was about 16.9, why was he so in love with 4x3?. For the 16mm series he should have used super 16, you can get great results. As I see it, if Fox want to go HD, then they're going to have to dig out all the original negs & scan (or telecine) them...