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  1. Michael Allred

    Is Assault on Precinct 13 OOP?

    Well I wouldn't see the sense in bothering to do a new 'special edition' without producing a new transfer. You guys can always e-mail Image like I did, dunno if they have any details just yet.
  2. Michael Allred

    Is Assault on Precinct 13 OOP?

    Another e-mail from Image; ---------- From: [email protected] (Nathaniel*Thompson) Date: Mon, Oct 7, 2002, 9:35am (EDT-3) To: Subject: Re: Question about DVD There is a new special edition on the way. ----------- So this "better" version is indeed a special...
  3. Michael Allred

    Is Assault on Precinct 13 OOP?

    Some GRRRRRRRRRRReat news!!!!!! I got a swift reply from Image tonight! Check it out! ------------- From: [email protected] (Garrett*Lee) Date: Sun, Oct 6, 2002, 10:37pm (EDT-3) To: 'my address removed' (Michael Allred) Subject: Re: Question about DVD We will be...
  4. Michael Allred

    Is Assault on Precinct 13 OOP?

    Greg, where did you hear of this re-issue? November 27th is a Wednesday which is rather odd for a release date.
  5. Michael Allred

    Is Assault on Precinct 13 OOP?

    Ok so the DVD is being re-issued? Why is it NOT available on any e-tailers like amazon or DVD Empire? Even the HorrorDVDs review states it's out of print. I say we all drop a message to Image and let 'em know the DVD needs to be made available again. Image Entertainment Inc. 9333 Oso...
  6. Michael Allred

    Is Assault on Precinct 13 OOP?

    I was just getting around to buying this DVD so imagine my disappointment to learn it's OOP.