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  1. Museum Pieces

    GOMER PYLE, USMC - The Complete Series (Coming to Blu-Ray on February 13, 2024)

    I don't recall enjoying a blu ray set of classic TV more than this one, even though some of the songs were cut. It was like really spending time with old friends in a new and brighter sense.
  2. Museum Pieces

    GOMER PYLE, USMC - The Complete Series (Coming to Blu-Ray on February 13, 2024)

    I'm enjoying the heck out of it. I'd say no more than 5-10% of the episodes are cut. I'm trying to enjoy what's there and not focus on what isn't. After rewatching all 50 of my favorites I've decided my all-time top favorite five episodes are: 107 Survival of the Fattest 127 The Jet Set 317 The...
  3. Museum Pieces

    GOMER PYLE, USMC - The Complete Series (Coming to Blu-Ray on February 13, 2024)

    I have had a grand time watching my favorite Gomer episodes again in HD, episodes I hadn't seen in years and never in this wonderful image quality. Here are my ten favorite, in airing order. You can't go wrong with any of these. 104 Captain Iron Pants 107 Survival of the Fattest 127 The Jet...
  4. Museum Pieces

    GOMER PYLE, USMC - The Complete Series (Coming to Blu-Ray on February 13, 2024)

    I am ripping the episodes. As far as I can tell, there is no commentary on Gomer Runs the Obstacle Course but the commentary does appear to be there for The Dragon Lady. I guess I will just have to port my commentary over from the DVD. I always double check everything but those are my initial...
  5. Museum Pieces

    GOMER PYLE, USMC - The Complete Series (Coming to Blu-Ray on February 13, 2024)

    I'm trying to find an episode, but my memory isn't what it used to be. It's the one where they're on maneuvers, they have to destroy a small, short bridge, and Gomer removes all the nails so it collapses if someone tries to walk across it. Am I misremembering or was that in an episode? If so...
  6. Museum Pieces

    GOMER PYLE, USMC - The Complete Series (Coming to Blu-Ray on February 13, 2024)

    To say it is the "Complete Series" is a bold-faced lie, not because of the music, but because several minutes of run time, whole scenes, have been cut out of the overall series. They're lying. They know it. We know it.
  7. Museum Pieces

    GOMER PYLE, USMC - The Complete Series (Coming to Blu-Ray on February 13, 2024)

    Where's the source for this information? I haven't been able to confirm this release. Thanks. Now I'm thinking I'm going to get it for season one. I can only imagine how gorgeous those B&W episodes are going to be--and that first season is stellar.
  8. Museum Pieces

    GOMER PYLE, USMC - The Complete Series (Coming to Blu-Ray on February 13, 2024)

    If they were uncut, if CBS had gone back and put everything in, you better believe they would be crowing about it. The tragedy is, 95% of the songs cut didn't need to be cut. They just did it as an overreaction for legal reasons. I won't buy this if they are still cut, but what an "impossible...