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  1. Winston T. Boogie

    Vote: Oscars (2022) - Best Picture - Your Choice

    The truth is I have not seen Chalamet in much more than the three pictures I mentioned so I only have those to go on. If he was in some other pictures where he was good that would make sense because the directors that cast him must have had a reason why they were interested in working with him.
  2. Winston T. Boogie

    Vote: Oscars (2022) - Best Picture - Your Choice

    I already mentioned the film Over the Edge in this thread in relation to something else but the truth is I think Over the Edge and Licorice Pizza have a lot in common. The young first time actors playing leads, the point of view being that of young, sort of lost, kids, these kids interacting...
  3. Winston T. Boogie

    Vote: Oscars (2022) - Best Picture - Your Choice

    The two leads are first time actors and they do a great job. Licorice Pizza is a slice of life story. So, there is no big dramatic arc and we just see pieces of the lives of the characters once they meet. I think it is a lot more like Punch Drunk Love than There Will Be Blood, if that is any...
  4. Winston T. Boogie

    Vote: Oscars (2022) - Best Picture - Your Choice

    His age and appearance don't bother me. I basically think what makes a great film actor is an expressive face and/or voice. This is what tends to make them magic in front of a camera. They don't have to be beautiful, which seems the primary standard today, they need to be highly expressive with...
  5. Winston T. Boogie

    Vote: Oscars (2022) - Best Picture - Your Choice

    Well, Nightmare Alley is just an example of outstanding filmmaking all around. However, yeah, it is a genre film, a remake, it just does not have the weight or seriousness the Academy tends to want to vote for. I loved it too. I think Licorice Pizza and Nightmare Alley are the two films I will...
  6. Winston T. Boogie

    Vote: Oscars (2022) - Best Picture - Your Choice

    I think this year has a pretty excellent bunch of pictures and that the list highlights how it is ridiculous to have to choose amongst them. You have small human stories going up against big science fiction films, beautiful genre films, and a massive musical. Period films, against present day...