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  1. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    And it's a streaming service I'm (as well as most others here I suspect) already paying for.
  2. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    Season 1 Episodes 11-20 officially coming to Blu-ray on September 26th!
  3. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    Yes, and this speaks to the limitations of purely data-driven decision-making. Whatever they save on this one show this one time is likely to be more than offset over the longer term by no longer being able to claim to be the exclusive, comprehensive streaming home of all things Star Trek. Some...
  4. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    I swung by my local Barnes & Noble and picked up the first 10 episodes on Blu-ray today. If this goes the way of some streaming series and disappears into the ether never to be seen again, I wanted to at least have an archival copy of what I could. B&N had the Blu-ray for 30% off; with my 10%...
  5. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    I can't keep the wacky Nickelodeon-style season numbering straight. Next run of episodes then! :) According to this tweet, they finished writing the second season back in March: So hopefully it won't be that long.
  6. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    Mostly strong finale, I thought, that sets up a third season that has the potential to be a lot more interesting than the first two. My main issue with the finale is how the main crisis was resolved: I do wonder if: With regard to the Protostar technology:
  7. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    I think that is mainly due to the constraints of children's television. The characters need to be broad and colorful, but they also need to be surrogates for the kids watching. Too much development or backstory impedes the characters imagining themselves as the characters. I thought Gwynn's...
  8. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    There was a lot of exciting goings-on in this week's episode, with the real Janeway playing her most prominent role yet. I also thought that the episode made better use of Okona as a shitty, low-rent Han Solo than the infamous episode "The Outrageous Okona" did. But I'm always frustrated when...
  9. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    A bit surprised they did the Borg on a kids' show. I'm thinking the cube's (initially) dormant state may be due to an encounter with Vice Admiral Janeway, since she has a history of using neurolytic pathogens to disrupt Borg collectives. It bugs me when shows say things like "the device is...
  10. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    I enjoyed it too. It helps that the kids are now at least trying to do the right thing. And the idea of the Protostar as a Trojan Horse is an interesting one, as is the potential for the real Janeway to be led down the wrong path by Gwyn's father.
  11. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    It's because it's a Nickelodeon production. Nickelodeon's business model has long favored large season orders that can then be spread out as the network sees fit for airing.
  12. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    While today's episode is officially the "mid-season finale", these first ten episodes sure felt like a complete season. I'm guessing the twenty-episode order was less about telling a twenty-episode season and more about the economics of children's programming, which is always geared toward fewer...
  13. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    It seems clear after watching today's episode that next week's episode was designed to lead into the mid-season hiatus. The fact that there was already a mid-season hiatus, after episode 5, screws up the flow a little bit. It was nice to see the crew really function as a cohesive whole this...
  14. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    This week's episode was a good exploration of the importance of teamwork, as each member of the crew contributed something to the ultimate solution. I was a bit unclear how they various timeframes interacted with each other. It was clear that Hologram Janeway could reorient between the various...
  15. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    With this week's episode, we're starting to see Hologram Janeway exist as more of a character and less of a ship component, as she tries to piece together what the hell happened to the original Protostar crew and her own memories. The kids using the teleporter for totally frivolous purposes is...
  16. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    Unfortunately, one of the entertainment sites I frequent had a big screenshot of Dr. Crusher rendered in the CG style used by "Prodigy", so I knew that cameo was coming but not the full extent of the fan service. We already knew that the version of the Kobayashi Maru test used at Starfleet...
  17. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    Ten episode first season, split into two halves. Episodes resume on January 6th.
  18. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    It was inevitable that Gwyn would side with the Protostar over her father at some point, but I was pleasantly surprised that it happened this quickly. The thing that gives me the most hope for Dal is his willingness to listen to the others and change his mind when they make good points. The CG...
  19. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    I'm guessing that was one of the technologies that earned the Protostar an NX registry number. And given that this ship was apparently intended for the Delta Quadrant, cut off from resupply from the Federation for an extended period, it makes particular sense for this ship. I mean, Voyager went...
  20. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    Finally got a chance to watch last Thursday's episode, and I continue to really enjoy it. Structurally, it's playing a lot like the old Saturday morning serials: A single group of protagonists facing off against a single antagonist and his minions, involved in a single story, which has been...
  21. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    He did. Loving and affectionate father, he is not.
  22. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    One of the fun things -- for me -- is that the premise precludes Gene Roddenberry's idealized vision of a more evolved society. This is a motley crew of fugitives feeling their way forward. It allows for character arcs that wouldn't be as plausible for decorated Starfleet officers. And part of...
  23. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    This week's episode was a fun example of the dangers of space travel that experienced Starfleet crews would know to avoid. We also got some more tidbits about the Protostar's mysterious background. The Janeway hologram fully expected to be in the Delta Quadrant, so it seems that the ship's...
  24. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    I really enjoyed it too. John Noble always makes for a great villain, and the mystery of what the USS Protostar is and how it got there is an intriguing question to start the series with. It's also fun that the character who seems the most like captain material -- Gwyn -- is the captive...
  25. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    Yeah, given that the ship is found -- evidently abandoned -- somewhere in the Delta Quadrant, I'm guessing it has some sort of advanced (and experimental) propulsion system that goes faster than the other ships we've seen in the TNG through "Picard" era. The NX registry prefix would point...
  26. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    The big problem with Deep Space Nine is that it ended with Sisko basically ascending to heaven while promising a Second Coming. Any project that doesn't involve Avery Brooks and that return will feel like a letdown. I'm sure there will be some sort of "Skip Intro" option.
  27. Adam Lenhardt

    Netflix Paramount+ Star Trek: Prodigy (Paramount+ → Netflix)

    First teaser: Interesting that the registry number on the hull is NX-76884. That would point to it being an experimental prototype. But if the hologram was made after Voyager made it back to Earth, shouldn't the uniform be, at minimum, the First Contact era uniforms? Perhaps she participated...