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  1. questrider

    NFL 2018-2019 Thread

    Changing the flow of the game with replay isn't too relevant for me since for the last two years I DVR football games and then start watching them about two hours after kickoff. The DirecTV remote has a :30 second fast-forward button and most of the time if you hit it when the ref blows the...
  2. questrider

    NFL 2018-2019 Thread

    I'm surprised there hasn't been much talk in this thread about the Bears, especially since they beat the Rams last Sunday. They're my team (going on 40+ years now) so I'm reticent to boast about them in this thread especially considering I didn't expect them to be good for a few years during...
  3. questrider

    NFL 2018-2019 Thread

    I'll say up front that I'm a lifelong Bears fan so I'm definitely rooting for them to do well. They have certainly been a surprise this season with how good their defense is and how well the offense is playing (especially Trubisky and that he is the leading rushing QB). We will see how much of...