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  1. DaveF

    Weekly RoundUp 9-5-2017

    I don't care about covers and cards; they go in my trash. But if BB releases a 3D version for $25, I'd cancel from Amazon to buy local retail. Or if BB drops 2D down to $18, I'll switch to that instead to save the money.
  2. DaveF

    Weekly RoundUp 9-5-2017

    By the way, Wonder Woman 3D is same price as 2D on Amazon, $25. The 3D is $30 at BB and not eligible for price matching (for me), listed as online purchase only.
  3. DaveF

    Weekly RoundUp 9-5-2017

    Having a look-see in case Wonder Woman is out. I recommend" The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks". We watched it when it was playing on HBO and it's a moving and fascinating story, and strange slice of history.