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  1. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    That error states, "Unexpected end of file." You can grab the title bar of its dialog box and drag it out from behind the profile refresh dialog to see it.
  2. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    Just in case some of you aren't aware, Ken Cole, the developer of DVD Profiler who has been MIA for a few years, is back in the saddle and spearheading the new server migration. Looks like the app and the service are getting some fresh life breathed back into them. Great news!
  3. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    Looks like things are up and running again. For now.
  4. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    I'm getting nothing from this morning. The page just times out.
  5. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    DVD Profiler is down (again), but this time at least there's a little more information from Invelos about the cause:
  6. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    Yep, it's working for me this morning too. Ho-ho-ho!!! :)
  7. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    It's not the application that's the problem, it's the back-end database and whatever/whoever is hosting it.
  8. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

  9. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    Well, looks like it's DOWN again, and just in time for the holiday weekend.
  10. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    "A" new hard drive? As in one? Well, if that's accurate, it certainly doesn't fill one with confidence to know that the entire DVD Profiler back end can be brought down by a single hard drive failure. Yikes.
  11. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    The website is back up.
  12. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    It may be now, but the online database was down for some time today. If you wanted to add a title, refresh profiles, etc., it wouldn't work. This affected everyone.
  13. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    Yep, is down (again!), but the Windows app is still working fine for me.
  14. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    Still down this morning. Hopefully, they'll get things sorted today now that the long weekend is over.
  15. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    Yep, looks like their site is down. It was acting up yesterday too:
  16. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    I haven't used the scanner too often, Man, but when I have it's always Criterion titles that give the scanner grief. Most others have worked just fine.
  17. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    iOS 15.4.1 on my iPhone 13 Pro Max works, mostly. I find that on some titles with smaller barcodes, Criterion for example, the app won't focus the camera closer than a certain distance to the case and therefore can't read the code. For most titles, it works just fine.
  18. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    That I don't know, Man. I never use the barcode reader function in the app since I manage my collection on a MacBook, not the phone.
  19. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    My 13 Pro Max with 15.4 installed runs DVD Profiler just fine.
  20. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    Not nearly as good IMO, and slow, slow, s-l-o-w on macOS. I think I'd rather just use an Excel spreadsheet.
  21. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    Good LORD, that's very resource-intensive for something as simple as a movie cataloging program. _Man_, maybe you should just set up a dedicated server for MMP?? :laugh:
  22. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    I had an experience with their support team yesterday. When I flagged both Columbia Classics 4K sets as not having any of the individual titles included in their database, they told me to add them myself.
  23. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    AND, if someone ever does kick-start DVD Profiler again with whatever paying model, I hope that they'll port it over and provide a native macOS version as well. I'm not holding my breath. :)
  24. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    Look closer. The "macOS" app is web-based. The downloadable app is Windows only. That's a deal-breaker for me.
  25. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    Thanks for the additional info, Ron. It does indeed seem like DVD Profiler is the best product out there. It really is too bad that it's been abandoned! I checked out DVDpedia on the developer's website, and the interface looks like it was designed 15 years ago. The last thing I want to do is...
  26. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    Absolutely Ron! Even though I'm disappointed that it didn't work out, it was a fun exercise, and I'm certainly open to other possible solutions. Please keep us all posted if you find anything promising.
  27. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    MMP imported SOME of my non-Region A discs, but not all of them. It also skipped random titles here and there for no apparent reason. The macOS version is just too flakey for me to use, much less rely on.
  28. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    FYI Ron, I ended up requesting a refund from iTunes for this software (both macOS and iOS versions) and got it. I found that I couldn't live with its idiosyncrasies. It's back to DVD Profiler and Parallels for me until I find something better. I use my Windows 10 VM for other things as well, so...
  29. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    I'm done, except for some additional housekeeping. MMP missed importing several dozen titles from my Profiler database, many of them Blu-rays from outside of Region A for some reason. So, I ended up going back and forth through MMP's list and my DVD Profiler list to make sure that they matched...
  30. dpippel

    DVD Profiler 4.0.0 is out.

    Well, it looks like MMP has finished importing my Profiler database XML file, even though it initially gave me an error that stated none WOULD be. At the end of the process, the Synchronization dialog kept popping up in a loop and wouldn't let me exit, so I had to Force Quit the application...