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  1. DaveF

    May The Fourth Be With You, Revenge of the Sixth - a Party

    Everything is digital soft copy, played from my HTPC using home theater software.
  2. DaveF

    May The Fourth Be With You, Revenge of the Sixth - a Party

    I looked at those. They have their merits, particularly 1080p. But I prefer the DE over the SS versions, especially for a party of mixed Star-Wars nerdery. :) (and I haven't been able to acquire the SS version of Jedi yet).
  3. DaveF

    May The Fourth Be With You, Revenge of the Sixth - a Party

    I've had this party in mind since last year. My wife made the tickets for me, and also spontaneously came up with the rice-crispy treats. Our friends were surprised and enthused by the tickets; one said she'll use it for a bookmark which is nice to hear they might have life beyond the party...
  4. DaveF

    May The Fourth Be With You, Revenge of the Sixth - a Party

    I've never celebrated Star Wars Day. But my enthusiasm is rekindled by a new movie room, new Star Wars movies and playing the tabletop game Armada. To celebrate, I'm celebrating tomorrow with friends a viewing of the full trilogy. The playlists are: Viewing 1: Superman Theatrical Trailer...