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  1. Tony Bensley

    Sequels to classic TV shows

    Ironically, THE NURSES 98 episodes is the exact same number as that of GILLIGAN'S ISLAND, which unlike the former, has had something of a run in syndication! ;) Speaking of GI, that show somewhat meets Neil's description insofar as it spawning three reunion specials; plus a documentary and an...
  2. Tony Bensley

    Sequels to classic TV shows

    Would this be DRAGNET by any chance? CHEERS! :)
  3. Tony Bensley

    Sequels to classic TV shows

    I did actually see this reunion special when I was 13 years old. From what I can recall, it was an hour long, and I believe it consisted mainly of Fred MacMurray and Shirley Jones separately hosting their respective segments, during which clips from MY THREE SONS and THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY were...