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  1. DavidJ

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Interesting response, TJPC, and one that I can understand. It's interesting to me because there are a lot of Arrow fans that are hailing this season as a return to season two form. Not sure I agree with them.
  2. DavidJ

    Arrow (Season 5)

  3. DavidJ

    Arrow (Season 5)

    I'm not sure what I think about this.
  4. DavidJ

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Agree wholeheartedly. If that was the character all along, I wouldn't have invested all this time watching and rooting for the character.
  5. DavidJ

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Interesting. I often agree with you Adam (not sure about you Sam :-) ), but I really disliked this episode. Hated might even be a more appropriate word. It felt like an after school special. I even messaged a former student, an über fan of DC and their TV shows, to say it was annoying. He...
  6. DavidJ

    Arrow (Season 5)

    Even with Oliver's new team? I'm still enjoying it by the way, but like many others I've been troubled by the new team plus Felicity's behavior has been bizarre and out of character at times. Even though they've done better with the character, I wonder if the makers second guess their...
  7. DavidJ

    Arrow (Season 5)

    My initial reaction to the episode: grrr. Hated seeing the deceive go down by Oliver's arrows, but I did appreciate the honesty at the end. Hated seeing Diggle get caught again. Seriously, we have to deal with that again? And, Laurel?! Come on.